Dear people of Canada Bay There are so many beautiful ways to say "Hello" in Australia and actually thousands and including the unique ways of South Australia. So how can we bring Australia together and where do we start?

From our family owned Aussie network of over one thousand Australian town and city community websites that we have built to enable you to tell us your story. My Dream (Tjukurpa) is to teach the citizens and the visitors of Australia how to say at least one common native word "Hello" and from the pure heart of Australia in ancient Pitjantjatjara, comes one beautiful word that all Australians can know and feel in your heart.

Please teach your friends in Canada Bay how to say "Palya" that is Hello, now you can say "Palya Brus" that is Gidday Mate in authentic Australian. "Pal Ya" its like a Pal for You. It is not a word from books, it is a word of power, of friendship, a word from the people and the spirit of the red earth herself.

Palya has been sang and danced with bare feet into the land and passed forward for countless generations. Now you know one word that canbring us together, that you wont forget. Please share my Dreamtime withyour family.

Smash the thumbs up! Please Like and Share this simple knowledge in your Social Media groups until everybody in Canada Bay and New South Wales and all Australia hears and feels this one simple word.

Kind Regards, Garry Hill, Network Developer
and Creator of